Tuesday 14 February 2017

Would you like to boost your social life and increase your success?
Then break out of your comfort zone and try something new!

Even if the saying “New Year, New You” doesn’t resonate with you, you might still be keen to start 2017 by turning over a new leaf. Despite being an energetic, outgoing person, you may still have found yourself using the dark winter months as an excuse to socialise less and spend a greater amount of time indoors and online!

However, studies show that it is vitally important to spend less time staring at screens and to boost our time spent with other people and outdoors. Socialising, moving our bodies and being outside all release the happiness hormones – endorphins, serotonin and dopamine (which also help us to sleep!).

Taking some exercise – anything from a stroll to an exacting sport – is excellent for physical and emotional wellbeing. Meeting up with others with similar interest builds morale and contentment and, if you can combine it with connecting with nature, this has been shown to improve emotional, social and cognitive skills!

Furthermore, trying new activities and taking risks are also shown to boost confidence and lead to improved social skills. Ultimately these qualities can give rise to added success and happiness and possibly even longevity!

So. What should you do? Why not try to:

·         Break out of your routine
·         Be open to new opportunities
·         Explore the world around you
·         Increase your exercise: maybe walking, swimming, cycling or running – just do it!
·         Try a new sport: something that challenges you – perhaps archery, kayaking, or climbing
·         Add adventure to your life!

Spice is an adventure, sports and social activity group for ordinary people who embrace the extraordinary.  Spice is not a dating club, but you will meet new people with similar interests. Spice has a nationwide membership with hundreds of local, varied events organised every month. There is an international holiday programme including our extremely popular ski trips. Spice has something for all tastes, whether you are interested in:

·         Enjoying meals out, the cinema or visiting the theatre
·         Trying some self-help workshops such as positive thinking and self-hypnosis
·         Finding friends to join for weekends away and longs walks in the countryside or
·         Feeling your heart racing with exciting adrenaline events – we arrange fire eating, race car driving and white water rafting to name a few!

For further details, contact Dianne Livingstone, Spice London
Telephone 01372 824223 (Office Hours are 9.30 am to 5.30 pm Monday to Friday)

Visit our website www.spicelondon.co.uk, follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/SpiceLondonClub or like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/spicelondon.

#social #activity #adventure #spicelondon #friends #exercise

Stella Broster, 12.01.17